Your credit score suffers when you pay your credit card bills late. Therefore, it’s critical to pay your credit card bills on time in order to prevent incurring interest and late fees on the balance you owe. You may pick from a number of easy payment alternatives offered by Citibank to simply pay your credit card bills.

How can I make my credit card bill payments from Citibank offline?
Through their nearest Citibank store or ATM, Citibank users may pay their outstanding credit card bills offline.
#1. Using a Debit Card for Payment
By going to a local CitiBank ATM, users of Citibank may pay their credit card bills online. Using your debit card, you may use your savings account to transfer money to a credit card in order to make payment.
- Step 1: Go to the ATM that is closest to you.
- Step 2: After choosing to use your debit card to pay your bills, click the Service tab button.
- Step 3: The whole amount that has to be paid and your Citibank credit card information should be entered.
#2. Cash payments or over-the-counter
By going to the closest Citibank location, customers may settle their credit card bill with a cash deposit. If you pay with cash, a processing fee of Rs 100 will be imposed. You will get an acknowledgement at your registered email address or cell phone number regarding the payment processing.
#3. Payment via Check
Another way to pay your overdue charge is to deposit a check in the drop box of a CitiBank location nearby. The 16-digit credit card number from Citibank should be included on the check, which should be payable to CitiBank Card A/C.
What is the online process for paying your Citibank credit card bills?
Online credit card bill payment is available to Citibank clients using the payment options listed below.
#1. E-Pay or NetBanking
Through the net banking service, Citibank clients may pay their credit card bills online. To take advantage of this feature, the cardholder must register.
The procedures to use the Citibank account holders’ Netbanking service to pay bills are listed below.
- Step 1: Go to the Citibank Netbanking website.
- Step 2: Choose the E-pay option.
- Step 3: Enter the amount to be paid and the credit card information.
- Step 4: Enter your credentials to log into your bank account.
- Step 5: Confirm the payment and check your information
In order to pay your credit card bills online, non-Citibank account holders can follow these procedures.
- Step 1: Go to the online banking interface of your bank.
- Step 2: To finalize the transaction, choose your credit card.
- Step 3: Move the necessary money from your current or savings account at that bank.
#2. Mobile Fund Transfer
Online bill payment using the mobile banking app is another option available to Citibank account customers. You may utilize mobile banking to take advantage of a number of extra advantages.
- Check the statement on your credit card.
- Examine the balance on your card.
- On your credit card, enable auto-debit.
- Make EMI transactions out of your buy.
The steps to use mobile banking to make a payment are listed below.
- Step 1: Get the Citibank mobile app from the App Store (for iOS users) and Google Play Store (for Android users).
- Step 2: Enter your login information to access your Citibank mobile app.
- Step 3: Select the credit card payment method by going to the credit card tab.
- Step 4: Finish the transaction by making the payment.
#3. Remittance using IMPS/NEFT
Customers who are not Citibank employees can use the NEFT service to pay their credit card bills online. To use this service, the cardholder must register for the NEFT facility. It’s an additional easy and simple way to pay.
- Step 1: Start by signing into the Netbanking portal of the bank that you own.
- Step 2: Select Fund Transfer, NEFT, or IMPS as your payment option.
- Step 3: Enter the information on your CitiBank credit card and choose your savings bank as the payee account.
- Step 4: Complete the purchase by making a payment.
Payee Name | Customer Name ( as provided on the card ) |
Payee Account Number | 16-digit number on your Credit Card |
Select Destination Bank | Citibank |
Bank Address | Chennai |
IFSC Code | CITI0000003 |
#4. Standing Order
Citibank has the option to pay off the amounts on their credit cards automatically with the auto-pay feature. By using this function, the client gives the bank permission to automatically take the outstanding balance out of their account each month. Depending on what the consumer requests, either the minimal amount owed or the entire amount owed is subtracted. To allow the bank to take the outstanding balance out of the cardholder’s account, the consumer must download an auto mandate.
#5. Transfer Money using Visa
Visa money transfers are available to Citibank clients for the purpose of paying down their outstanding credit card balances. To use the Visa money transfer service, you just need to send money from your individual bank account.
These are a few practical payment options that Citibank offers to its clients. Any of the aforementioned payment options can be chosen based on what works best for them. In order to prevent late fees and interest charges on your account, you have the option of paying your Citibank credit card balance in full as well as the minimum amount owed by online or offline ways. Logging into your online banking account will allow you to utilize this feature.
FAQs :
Q1. What is Citibank’s IFSC code for paying bills?
The Citibank credit card bill payment IFSC number is CITI0000003.
Q2. Is there a processing cost associated with NEFT bill payments?
No, in accordance with RBI norms, there is a processing fee associated with transactions done using NEFT.
Q3. How can I use my credit card to pay my Citibank payment online?
You can use the aforementioned techniques to settle your overdue credit card debt.
1. Online Banking
2. Banking on the Go
4. Standing Order
5. Transferring money with Visa
Q4. When I use NEFT to complete a transaction, will I receive a reference number?
Indeed, after your transaction with the NEFT service is complete, you will receive a unique reference number.